Saturday, July 3, 2010


Tonight we had to go for black and white pictures.  The regular ones were just terrible.  It is amazing what changing them up and doing some creative cropping can do.
We did a little yard work today but mostly relaxed.  It is no fun being sick on a holiday weekend.  I would much rather be in Robert Lee going to the Pops concert in San Angelo.  I have wanted to take the kids every year but we haven't managed to make it with them.  Maybe next year.  We just didn't want to risk getting anyone sick.
Tomorrow we are going to go to Breckenridge and watch the fireworks at the lake.  It should be fun.  It will be nice to get out and do something.
And now for a glimpse into my everyday life.  This house has 3 rooms (not counting the bathroom).  In this video you will see all 3 rooms and you will see my kids running in a circle between those 3 rooms.  It is loud.  This happens several times a day around here and usually ends in someone getting hurt or an all out fight breaking out.
Have I mentioned that I am so ready to get our new house built and get out of this little box?  I am tired of feeling like a caged animal.  It is so depressing.  Perhaps one day I will look back on our time spent in the "Little Tree House" with fond memories but I doubt it.

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