Thursday, May 6, 2010


Grades K-5 music and dance recital.  It was adorable!  Albany ISD has an amazing staff and some amazing parents for getting this all together.  It was just too cute for words!
Every time we go to a school function here in Albany I am reminded why we moved here. The peace I feel seeing Jackson interact with his classmates, teachers and other parents gives me so much comfort. I might feel sad and miss my friends but my child is thriving. He is so happy. He is working so hard and learning so much and I love seeing the transformation he is going through. This is where we needed to be.
Jacob is also so happy with his job. It is amazing how his attitude has changed since being here. I will get just takes time. What I do know is that I have amazing friends who I can travel to see and who will travel to see me and who I talk to daily. I miss them, but friendships like this aren't lost when one moves away they last forever. It has been hard for me lately, but nights like tonight give me great comfort in knowing that this was the right decision for our FAMILY.
I love this picture of Tyler.  He was holding onto the wagon handle.
This picture of Jaci is also pretty cute.  She is either totally off or on with her picture taking.  When she is on she is a poser.  Cracks me up!

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