Monday, May 24, 2010


Today Jackson had his school field day and track meet.  I was so impressed at how well it was put together.  Jackson did really well.  He took first in one of the events but we didn't hear which one it was (I think long jump).  He took 2nd in the softball throw, 3rd in both of his running events and 5th in the potato sac race.  It was a fun morning.  Just when I am feeling really down about where we are living I am reminded why we moved here and why I know this is where we should be.  The town is really cool and so perfect but the schools are just Amazing!
The little kids were less than impressed with the field day.  They wanted to leave about 20 minutes after we got there.
Jaci wouldn't even let me get a good picture of her.
We did get news that the lot we were really hoping to get was not going to work out the way we wanted.  We came back to them with another option and they raised the price by $1000 an acre.  That kind of made us mad so I'm not sure what we are going to do.  We are waiting to hear back from another person on our second choice lot but it technically isn't for sale (yet).  We will see what happens.  I do feel that we will have something settled by the end of the least I hope so!

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