Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I have kind of been in a bit of a funk lately.  I LOVE fall, but I hate not having all of my decorations to decorate with.  I love fall decorations and I can't stand my house not looking all decked out for fall. 
This attitude has carried over to not wanting to do anything related to fall, which just isn't fair for the kids.  Today I decided that decorations or not I needed to get over it...so we made cookies. 
The kids loved it...so did I! 
In fact it put us all in a good mood for the rest of the afternoon and evening! 
I love doing things like this with the kids but just haven't been overly inspired here and that just isn't right.  The kids don't deserve to have a year of their life with nothing special and fun simply because our living situation isn't ideal.  I am determined to make the most of it from now on...even though I know it won't be that easy.
(Esp. around Christmas...I can't even stand to look at Christmas decorations or listen to Christmas music because it just makes me sad.) 
Today, even thought our house wasn't all decked out for fall, we made a memory.  And it was FUN! 
I think I will go buy the kids pumpkins tomorrow so that we can carve them this week. 
Today we also started moving along with our basement again.  The concrete guys were out there today working on the form boards for the walls and cutting rebar. 
They are hoping to pour the walls on Friday but it looks like we will be getting some rain this week so we aren't sure if that is going to happen.  Rain is the last thing we needed while we have this big hole in the ground but there isn't a whole lot we can do about it so we will just figure it out when it happens.

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