Saturday, April 3, 2010


Today was another day of non stop playing and fun outside for the kids. They just go non stop while here. Needless to say by the end of the day they are all so tired (and dirty!). Tonight they were all to a breaking point which worked well for us since we had a lot of eggs to fill and hide tonight. It is all done and ready to go for in the morning. I'm sure they will be up at the crack of dawn excited about the Easter Bunny.
We also died Easter eggs today. Jackson and Tyler are both allergic to eggs but once they were convinced it was fine to touch them they had a great time dying them. Tiffany did all of the work getting the egg dying set up and I'm glad she did because they had a great time. You might be wondering why my kids have no shirts on...well that is because I always know someone is going to make a HUGE mess and then we will have ruined clothes. Sure enough Jaci spilled her cup of dye all over the patio and our shoes. It made a pretty big mess but no clothes were ruined. :)

(cleaning up the mess)
I am so tired and I'm sure we will be up early so I am off to bed! Happy Easter to everyone!
Don't you love Jacob's cat he drew for Jaci?

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